Attendance & Absence
Regular attendance at school is, of course, essential. Absence not only means lost learning but also students will miss valuable connections with their peers.
In cases of unavoidable absence, we ask that parents keep us well informed as to the reason for a child's absence, particularly if it is likely to be prolonged or carried over from one week to the next.
The procedure for advising absence is as follows:
Where a student is unable to attend school due to illness or other sudden reason, parents should telephone the school, between 8.00am and 8.45am on the first day of absence, giving an indication of the anticipated length of absence. If the absence extends beyond this time a second call should be made. The parents of students who are absent and for whom we have not received an explanation will be contacted to confirm the reason for the absence within 24 hours. If a phone call is not possible please email
We ask for parental support in ensuring that family holidays are not taken during term time. The link between educational attainment and school attendance is well proven and we do want to instil in our young people the message that full attendance at school is extremely important for their future educational success.
Requests for any exceptional leave of absence should be made on the form appended below.
Please Note:
In line with DfE policy the school's position is that leave of absence in term time will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances such as family weddings, funerals, educational examinations or participation in religious observance and then only if attendance is over 95%.
Availability of cheap holidays and overlap with the beginning and end of term will not be accepted as exceptional circumstances.
If school or external examinations are missed, students will not be able to take them at a later date.
Sixth Form students who receive the 16-19 Bursary will lose part of their payment for the period when holiday is taken.
Students are responsible for making sure they complete work missed through absence.
Parents should be aware that periods of unauthorised absence may lead to a fixed penalty notice being issued by the Education Welfare Service.