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Pastoral Team

The pastoral care of our students is a responsibility we take very seriously. We value each student as an individual and aim to ensure that they have a smooth transition to the Sixth Form and support throughout their time as a student.  Students have a personal tutor and their personal welfare is overseen by a specialist Sixth Form team of Year Leaders and the Sixth Form Support Officer. This ensures that students receive the very best care and advice to help them prepare for their futures.

For general Sixth Form enquiries email

  • Director of Sixth Form: Mr A Bennett 
  • Welfare Officer: Mrs G Tupman
  • Sixth Form Support Officer Mrs A Bibby 
  • Year 13 Progress Leader: Mrs A Cutler
  • Assistant Progress Leader Mrs H Bowers
Form Name Tutor Form Room House
13PHA Mr Hales S11 N
13KMO Mrs Mottram S05 D
13CME Mr Megarrell S01 L
13ACO Miss Corry S11 N
13AJG Mr Graham S04 D
13CEW Mrs Wilson/Mr Locke S02 V

Year 12 Progress Leader: Mrs C Hardicre

Assistant Progress Leader Mrs H Bowers

Form Name Tutor Form Room House
12KMG Mrs V Collier 27 L
12RL Miss Long 55 N
12GF Mrs Ferrandon-Latch/Mrs Bowers 45 D
12SBU Mr Bush 24 V
12SCH Mrs Coultas/Mrs Hoyle 23 L
12CRK Mr Kelly/Mr Webster 04 N
12CGM Mrs Graves/Mrs McGuire 46 D


Poynton High School & Performing Arts College

Yew Tree Lane, Poynton, Cheshire SK12 1PU

01625 871 811