Poynton High School Sixth Form Covid Context Information October 2020
In March 2020 students at Poynton High School Sixth Form moved to ‘at home’ provision for their work. At the point of the school shut down we did not have access to a suitable platform to allow students to submit work and receive feedback.
From the middle of May students were able to access and use Google Classroom for this purpose. In the interim students had access to email communication with staff and a more basic platform for work to be set for the students at home. Students returned to the Sixth Form for two weeks of face to face contact catch up on content with their subject teachers in July.
Students returned to full time in-school teaching from the 9th September and they have completed a full set of internal examination assessments from the 23rd September in all subjects.
We are very proud of how our current students rose to the challenges they faced in their studies during Year 12 and we know they are focused and committed to achieving their full potential in the summer of 2021.
Mr R Hardman
Director of Sixth Form