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COVID-19 Information

Where can I find more information about Coronavirus and other respiratory infections?

The best way to find out about the Coronavirus and the government’s response is to Click here 

Guidance for people with symptoms of respiratory infections, including COVID-19

What is school doing to keep students and staff safe?

We are following the guidance of the government and will continue to emphasise the importance of ventilation and hand hygiene.  

What if my child has COVID symptoms?

Symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) - NHS (

Lateral Flow Testing

There is no longer an expectation that students test on a regular basis and school is not provided with test kits any more.  Students or staff who have symptoms of COVID may choose to take a test if they can using any test kits that they have at home. 

If a test result is positive what should happen next?

Students aged under 18

Students should stay at home for three full days from the first symptom or positive test which is counted as day 0.  For example, if a child has no symptoms but has a positive test on Monday then Tuesday is day 1, Wednesday day 2, Thursday day 3 and they can return on Friday if they are well enough and their temperature is normal.

Staff and students aged 18 and over

Adults should stay at home for five full days from the first symptom or positive test which is counted as day 0. For example, if an adult has no symptoms but has a positive test on Saturday then Sunday is day 1 and Thursday is day 5.  They can return on Friday if they are well enough and their temperature is normal.

If someone has symptoms but does not have a positive test what should they do?

Staff and children should not attend school if they have a high temperature and/or feel too unwell to carry out their normal activities. They should return when their temperature is normal and they are well enough to carry out their normal activities.

Can children attend school if they have symptoms but no temperature?

Children with a slight cough, sore throat or runny nose can attend as long as they are well enough to carry out normal activities and do not have a raised temperature.  They may wish to take a test if they have one at home as an extra precaution.

They should follow the advice on respiratory hygiene such as coughing/sneezing into tissues and regular handwashing. Additionally they may choose to wear a face covering to protect others.

Is a negative LFT needed before an individual can return to school?

No – an individual can return after the advised number of days as long as they are well and do not have a high temperature.  As they may still be infectious they should take extra care with hygiene on returning to school.

Can a student or member of staff attend if they feel well and have no symptoms but have a positive test?

No, the guidance is clear that they should stay away for a set number of days, even if they are well and symptom free.  They may be infectious during this time so coming into school poses a high risk of passing the infection on to others.  This will result in other students and members of staff being absent from school which we want to avoid.

Reporting Absence

We no longer monitor a separate COVID email.  To report absence please ring the school or use the email.  For any general questions please email


Vaccination continues to be available for some people.  These can be booked through Book or manage a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination - NHS (

Face Coverings

There is no expectation that students wear a face covering but they are able to if they wish.

General Hygiene Advice

Students should continue to wash their hands more regularly and use the sanitiser around school.  They should also use the ‘catch it, bit it kill it approach’ when coughing and sneezing.  They should be aware of personal space and support us in keeping windows open to allow good ventilation. 

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If students are self-isolating how will they access work?

Students will use Google Classroom and more information about this can be found in the student section of the website.  Guidance for parents on remote learning provision can be found below.

What about clinically extremely vulnerable children and young people?

Clinical studies have shown that children and young people, including those originally considered to be clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV), are at very low risk of serious illness if they catch the virus. The UK Clinical Review Panel has recommended that all children and young people under the age of 18 should no longer be considered CEV and should be removed from the Shielded Patient List, the national database of people considered clinically extremely vulnerable.

All children and young people should continue to follow the same guidance as everyone else, which can be found at For a very few individual children specific clinical advice may be given and this should continue to be followed.

Reassure your child and encourage them to keep working hard and do what they can to support others, especially those in vulnerable groups.

We know that some children are feeling anxious about the news and that you will want to reassure them.  The link below might support you in this.


What about Strep A and Scarlet Fever?

Information regarding these infections can ve found on the DfE website at 

Poynton High School & Performing Arts College

Yew Tree Lane, Poynton, Cheshire SK12 1PU

01625 871 811